New Delhi - 110075


Water is the most important resource for agricultural production and is essential for plant growth, soil health, and livestock farming. Pure water is necessary for healthy agriculture because it provides the proper nutrients to plants and animals, supports soil health, and helps prevent disease and contamination. Pure water is free from contaminants such as chemicals, pathogens, and pollutants that can damage crops, soil, and livestock. When water is contaminated, it can lead to poor plant growth, soil degradation, and diseases in both plants and animals. In addition, contaminated water can also affect the quality of food products, making them unsafe for human consumption.

Pure water is essential for irrigation, washing crops and livestock, and animal drinking in agriculture. Therefore, farmers must ensure that their agricultural water is pure and contaminant-free. They can achieve this by using proper water management practices, such as regular testing of water quality, adequate treatment of water sources, and proper disposal of waste.

Agribharati’s newly invented Irrigation Method

Soil moisture sensors can help farmers determine when their crops need water, reducing water use and preventing overwatering. These sensors can also help farmers optimize irrigation schedules, resulting in significant water savings.

Rainwater harvesting involves collecting and storing rainwater for later use in irrigation. This technique can help farmers reduce their reliance on groundwater and surface water sources, often limited or overused.

Agribharati’s newly invented Irrigation method is a water-saving technique that delivers water directly to plants in small, measured amounts. This method can reduce water usage by up to 90% compared to drip irrigation methods.

Zero-carbon sustainable agriculture is environmentally friendly and has economic benefits for farmers. Farmers can save money and increase profits by reducing input costs and raising yields. Additionally, sustainable agriculture helps to promote food security by producing nutritious and safe food for communities while preserving natural resources for future generations.

Global warming has a significant impact on agriculture, and it poses a threat to food security around the world. Some of the effects of global warming on agriculture include:

Global warming is causing changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, which can affect crop growth and yield. In addition, extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and heat waves can damage crops and reduce yields.

Global warming is leading to increased water scarcity, particularly in regions that rely on rainfall for irrigation. In addition, global warming is a threat to food security worldwide. As crop yields decline, the availability and affordability of food will be affected, particularly in developing countries.

It is essential to implement sustainable agriculture practices. Additionally, reducing greenhouse gas emissions through using renewable energy sources and reducing food waste can help to reduce the impact of global warming on agriculture and promote food security.

The Agribharati’s newly invented technology provides a method of agriculture with less amount of pure water for healthy foods in a sustainable environment
