New Delhi - 110075


Providing food for everybody is a complex challenge that requires addressing multiple factors such as access, affordability, and availability. However, there are several ways in which we can work towards providing food for everybody:

To ensure enough food for everyone, we need to increase food production. This can be achieved through various methods, such as improving agricultural practices, increasing the use of technology in farming, and promoting sustainable agriculture.

Poverty is a significant barrier to accessing food for many people. Addressing poverty through measures such as employment generation, social protection programs, and education can help improve people's food access.

Promoting sustainable food systems that are environmentally friendly, socially equitable, and economically viable can help to ensure that everyone has access to healthy and nutritious food in the long term.

Newly invented technology can undoubtedly play a role in addressing food shortages. Many new technologies are emerging designed to increase food production, reduce waste, and make agriculture more sustainable.

Agribharati’s Open Vertical farming: This technology involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers, which can increase food production per unit of land. It also allows for year-round growth.

Agribharati’s newly invented technology for open vertical farming has the potential to help address food shortages in several ways.

Firstly, open vertical farming can produce crops in areas where traditional farming is not feasible, such as in densely populated urban areas or regions with poor soil quality or limited access to water. This can increase local food production and reduce the need for long-distance transportation of food, which can be costly and environmentally damaging.

Secondly, open vertical farming can produce fresh produce year-round, regardless of seasonal changes or adverse weather conditions. This can help to stabilize food supplies and reduce the impact of food price fluctuations.

Thirdly, open vertical farming can potentially increase crop yields per square meter of land compared to traditional farming methods, which can help to meet the growing demand for food in a world with a rapidly increasing population. This increased efficiency can also reduce the land required for food production, which can be crucial in areas where land is scarce or expensive.

Finally, open vertical farming can provide a way for communities to become more self-sufficient and sustainable by producing their food. This can promote local food security and resilience, which can be especially important in times of crisis or disruption.
