New Delhi - 110075


Agribharati provides a newly invented technology for the sustainable farming method to protect the environment and provide poison-free, healthy food to society.

Sustainable agriculture with less water

Agriculture is one of the most significant water users globally, and with growing demand and increasing water scarcity, it is essential to use water more efficiently. Sustainable agriculture practices that use less water can help to conserve this valuable resource and reduce the impact of agriculture on freshwater supplies.

Excessive water use in agriculture can also have negative environmental impacts, such as reduced water quality and biodiversity loss.

Sustainable agriculture practices that use less water can also lead to economic benefits, such as reduced water costs and increased crop yields.

Newly Invented Technology

Agribharati’s newly invented farming technology that promotes sustainable agriculture and provides healthy food is essential to achieving a more sustainable and equitable world.

Water is a vital component for plant growth and development, and the water used in farming must be clean and free from harmful contaminants. If irrigated with contaminated water, crops can absorb pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals, which can accumulate in the plant tissue. Similarly, air pollution can also harm crop growth and health. Polluted air can contain harmful particles and gases, such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, damaging plants and reducing crop yields. Therefore, it is essential to protect our water and air quality. The newly invented technology includes reducing pollution from industrial and agricultural sources and improving the quality of water used for irrigation in farming. By ensuring that our water and air are clean and free from harmful contaminants, we can help promote healthy and sustainable food production.

Agribharati’s newly invented technology saves water against drip irrigation.

The newly invented technology has shown promise in saving water in agriculture. Unlike drip irrigation, which delivers water directly to the roots of plants, water spray distributes water in the form of tiny water droplets that form a mist-like cloud around the plants. This mist-like cloud helps reduce water loss through evaporation and wind drift, improving water use efficiency.

Benefits of newly invented technology for sustainable agriculture include:

Water spray can save up to 70% of water compared to traditional overhead irrigation methods. The technology can help to conserve water resources and reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment. In addition, the technology provides better coverage and distribution of water, leading to improved plant growth and yield. The newly invented technology requires less energy than drip irrigation. This technology gently distributes water, reducing soil erosion and improving soil health.

Less water usage for irrigation is an essential solution for sustainable agriculture

Less water irrigation is an essential solution for sustainable agriculture, as it can help to conserve water resources, reduce water pollution, and improve soil health. However, water is a limited resource, and agriculture is a significant consumer of water, accounting for up to 70% of global freshwater use. Therefore, overuse and mismanagement of water resources can lead to water scarcity, soil degradation, and reduced crop yields.

Some of the benefits of less water irrigation in sustainable agriculture include:

Water conservation: By using less water for irrigation, farmers can conserve water resources and reduce their impact on the environment. This can also reduce the competition for water resources among different sectors, such as agriculture, industry, and households.

Over-irrigation can lead to soil erosion and degradation, reducing soil fertility and crop yields. Conversely, farmers can improve soil health and fertility by using less water for irrigation, leading to better crop yields.

Overuse of water in agriculture can lead to water pollution, as excess water can carry nutrients, pesticides, and other pollutants into water bodies. By using less water for irrigation, farmers can reduce the amount of water that takes contaminants into water bodies, leading to cleaner water and healthier ecosystems.

Clean Air, Pure Water and Healthy Food Essential for Sustainable Development

Access to pure air, water, and healthy food is a fundamental human right. These necessities are essential for human survival and well-being, and every person should have access to them regardless of their socioeconomic status, geographic location, or other factors. Furthermore, maintaining clear air, pure water, and healthy food for future generations is essential for the well-being and sustainability of our planet. The actions we take today will profoundly impact the quality of life for future generations, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we leave behind a healthy and thriving world.

To achieve this goal, we must adopt sustainable practices promoting environmental protection, conservation, and responsible resource management. This includes reducing our carbon footprint, conserving water, and reducing pollution through clean technologies and sustainable practices.

We also need to promote policies that support sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture practices, such as open vertical farming and agroforestry. By reducing our dependence on harmful pesticides and fertilizers and promoting natural and sustainable practices, we can help ensure our food is healthy and safe for future generations.

zero carbon for sustainable agriculture

Zero-carbon sustainable agriculture is a farming system that aims to minimize carbon emissions and reduce its impact on the environment while producing food sustainable and economically viable food. It involves various practices that promote soil health, conserve natural resources, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
