New Delhi - 110075


The concept of "agritecture" in smart cities is a relatively new and innovative approach to urban design that combines urban agriculture and architecture. This approach is gaining popularity because of its potential to address various challenges cities face today, such as climate change, food security, and urbanization.

There are several advantages of “agritecture” in smart cities:

Increased access to fresh, healthy food: Agritecture enables cities to produce food locally, reducing the need for long-distance transportation and storage, which can lead to food spoilage and waste. By growing food in the city, residents can access fresh, healthy produce and reduce their carbon footprint.

Improved air quality: Plants are natural air purifiers. By incorporating green spaces into urban design, cities can enhance air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, help mitigate climate change impacts and improve the health and well-being of residents.

Enhanced biodiversity: Agritecture can create new habitats, promoting urban biodiversity and improving ecosystem resilience.

Increased community engagement: Agritecture provides opportunities for community involvement and engagement in the food production process and can help to build stronger communities, promote social cohesion, and enhance the quality of life.

Economic benefits: Urban agriculture can create new jobs and stimulate local economies, supporting the growth of small businesses and promoting entrepreneurship.

Overall, the concept of agritecture in smart cities can create more sustainable and livable urban environments that promote the health and well-being of residents while addressing environmental challenges.

Agribharati's newly invented technology is ideal for establishing Agritecture Smart City worldwide, irrespective of the local climate.
